Chivalry is Dead

        In this stand up Dave Chappelle talks about how chivalry in men is dead. Men no longer hold doors, they are no longer polite and they are no longer gentlemen. So why is chivalry dead, why don’t men hold doors anymore? Dave’s answer is chivalry is dead because “women killed it.” He says men stopped doing these things because it offended women. The feminist movement brought about the ideas that women could open doors for themselves and they didn’t need men to it. I think this attitude doesn’t really help accomplish the idea of equality that feminist were seeking because men were just trying to be polite. Because women were offended by the polite gesture of holding open a door I think that’s what caused chivalry to die.

                Dave goes on to discuss the idea that men only like women and women only like material things. He discusses how the only reason men have nice cars is so they can get women because women who are “material“like nice cars. Is this a fair assumption to say that women would rather have stuff then a man? This idea seems to be prevalent in our society with the so called “gold-diggers” who seem to enforce this stereotype. Dave however seems to broaden the term gold-digger to all women and uses the more appealing term of a material girl (pun intended).    

                Continuing with his discussion Dave goes on addresses how women confuse men with how they dress and all the other mixed signals that have caused a separation between genders.  He points to women’s magazines giving advice about men, so they know all about guys and how they think. Guys give each other advice about how to get girls too, however most men will admit that they don’t understand women at all, which is where the major difference seems to be in his argument.

2 Responses

  1. I don’t chivalry has necessarily died, but rather changed forms. A girl still likes having a door opened for her because it makes her feel important and noticed. Yet, sometimes it can be a sign of dependence on the man if she has to wait for a guy to open the door, so most times it is just easier to open it yourself. Chivalry may not be the prince charming riding in a his tall horse, but rather a text at night saying “sweet dreams” or a “good morning” when you wake up. There are just different kinds of chivalry that are in the world today.

  2. I don’t think chivalry is totally dead, but I wish it was around more. Of course us women want rights and everything, but there is nothing wrong with having a guy open a door for you. I don’t think women like nice things more than men do, I just think they like men with nice things because they’re not the ones who have to buy it, which is still being a “gold-digger.”

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